Monday, June 29, 2009

Passion and Fire

“Come be the fire inside of me, Come be the flame upon my heart, Come be the fire inside of me, Until you and I are one!”

God loves drawing near to us as we draw near to Him. He is passionate about you, about me, about us. One of His biggest desire for us is to live a life filled with passion, filled with His passion. Passion for your friends. Passion for your family. Passion for your life and the lives of others. A Fire burning inside that sends you passionately pursuing Him. Pursuing Him in the pain. Pursuing Him in the joy. Pursuing Him in the happy and the sad. Pursuing Him because you know that He is the only thing that brings rest, peace, joy, hope, faith, and love.

His love isn’t moved by our level of passion, but our lives are transformed by it. Passion is defined as an “ardent affection” and as “a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept.” When we have an ardent affection for something, we go after it holding nothing back and willing to risk everything to get it. When we have a passion for the true Lord Jesus Christ we aren’t stopped by pain, we aren’t stopped by fear, we aren’t stopped by others, and we sure as heck aren’t stopped by Satan. One of Satan’s greatest tools is complacency. One of Satan’s greatest fears is a generation raised up in the passion of Jesus Christ.

Jesus showed His passion for us at the cross. He knew there was only one way He could have us, and He went and suffered the pain and agony of crucifixion so that we could live out a passionate, intimate relationship with Him.

The time has come for a new passion in our generation. It starts with a spark. A spark that turns into a flame. A flame that turns into an all-consuming fire. The kind of fire that ignites anything in its path. We need that passion. The passion that ignites everything and everyone in our path. When our generation catches the fire, nothing can stop us. The things that come across our path to stop us will be ignited just as well as the rest.

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