God is trustworthy, God is faithful, God is good, and thus we can depend on Him. What can we depend on Him for? Can we depend on Him for everything? Naturally our response is yes. God will provide for our needs. Why do we get so shaken up when things go wrong then?
A lot of times we look to God to only meet our physical needs. We have money, food, water, and housing and that means God provides for all of our needs. Out of that a lot of times we only look to Him for our physical needs. What about our spiritual needs? Does God meet those?
Oh, of course God meets those needs, He is spirit. So maybe we look past God just meeting the physical and look into the spiritual. Then we let God sustain us spiritually. We let Him speak to us. We let Him meet us. We worship Him. We let Him meet our spiritual needs. Then we can be complete. Right?
Maybe not. What about our emotional needs? Emotions aren’t from God though so can God meet them? Wait…God created everything and we as people, as humans are created in the image of the living God. We have emotions so naturally that means God has emotions. God feels pain, God feels sad, God has joy, Jesus wept when His friend died. Our God has feelings. So why wouldn’t He be able to meet our emotional needs. So many times this is the hardest one for us to trust God in. Most of the time we look to our friends to meet our emotional needs. When we are close to them, when everything is going well in our relationships, we can feel good, we can be joyful, we can have “positive” emotions. But as soon as we have conflict, or we feel pain in the relationship, or we feel pushed away from someone, we turn from that person and we look to another. We turn that loving friendship into a rivalry, or a hatred sometimes. Even when someone isn’t pushing you away, or they aren’t trying to have conflict, we feel neglected and hurt, so we turn to someone else that might not let us down. Surprise, surprise, but that person is going to let you down to. People are not supposed to meet your emotional needs.
People are a blessing, friends are a blessing, family is a blessing, but we will NEVER get the fullest blessing from them while we are looking to them to meet our needs. God will NEVER let you go, He will never let you down. God isn’t going to push you away, He isn’t going to neglect you, He will never choose someone else over you. God loves you no matter what you’ve done, what you are doing, or what you will do. He doesn’t love you more because you served at the homeless shelter, or because you tithed the most. He loves you because you are you. He doesn’t love you because you act like a good Christian. And on the flip side, He doesn’t love you any less because you didn’t serve at the homeless shelter, or because you didn’t do something He asked you to do. God loves you more than anything and out of that love comes the ability to be dependent on Him, because He will supply for your needs.
Trusting God is one of the most freeing things in the world, but you won’t trust Him fully until you give Him the chance to prove trustworthy. Until you give Him the chance to reveal His trustworthiness, you won’t be able to grasp how truly trustworthy He is. Let go of your concepts of God letting you down. That time you felt left out to dry. It wasn’t God leaving you. God doesn’t do that. He is always trustworthy, always good, always loving, and always faithful. Trust Him, depend on Him, live out what He calls you to live out. Give God the opportunity to come through, He will.
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